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美式发音: [ˈɡɔlˌstoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈɡɔːlˌstəʊn]





1.胆(结)石a hard painful mass that can form in the gall bladder


n.1.a small hard mass that can form in your gall bladder

1.胆石 gallows 吊架 gallstone 胆石 galmei 硅锌矿;异极矿 ...

2.胆结石 heart burn 胃痛 gallstone 胆结石 gastritis 胃炎 ...

3.胆囊结石 Gait abnormality 步态异常 Gallstone 胆囊结石 Gangrene 坏疽 ...

4.胆石症 G ---------- gallbladder carcinoma 胆囊癌 gallstone 胆石症 golima 胶质瘤 ...

5.生胆石 ... defibrillator n.[ 医](电击)去纤颤器 gallstone n.[ 医]胆石 diabetes mellitus n.[ 医]糖尿病 ...


1.To determine the changes of gastrointestinal migrating motor complex(MMC)during the early stage of cholesterol gallstone formation.探讨胆固醇结石形成早期胃肠移行性复合运动(MMC)变化。

2.Therefore, the dissolution of gallstone, as a non-surgical treatment is one of important subject of clinical medicine.因此,作为非手术疗法的溶石法成为临床医学研究的课题之一。

3.in distinction of the wall of gallbladder, gallstone disappeared and small intestinal obstruction.胆囊结构消失和原有胆囊内结石消失;小肠梗阻。

4.From all over the world, cholesterol gallstone is the main gallstone.从全世界范围来看,胆囊结石主要为胆固醇结石。

5.Methods A synchronic bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test were carried out on 48 patients with gallstone pancreatitis.方法对48例胆源性胰腺炎患者的胆囊黏膜和胆总管胆汁进行同步细菌培养和药物敏感试验。

6.The result indicated that the method can confirm the principal ingredients of the human gallstone quickly and effectively.结果表明:本法能快速有效地确认胆结石样品中的主要成份。

7.The ball ball got gallstone, rheumatism; Circle circle?球球得了胆石症、风湿病;

8.SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The role of early endoscopic intervention, in the treatment of acute gallstone pancreatitis, remains controversial.主要的背景数据:急性胆源性胰腺炎的早期内镜干预治疗仍有争论。

9.The researchers found that men who drank regular coffee containing caffeine had a lower risk of gallstone disease.研究人员发现常喝含有咖啡因的咖啡的男性得胆囊结石的可能性较低。

10.The application of laparoscopic cholecystectomy with low pressure pneumoperitoneum for high risk patients with gallstone .低压气腹腹腔镜胆囊切除术在高危胆囊结石患者中的应用。
